Sharpening the V-Antenna

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to sharpen our Gunpla's V-Antenna. If you're unsatisfied with your Gunpla's V-Antenna, this tutorial is for you! I usually do this if I think the V-Antenna isn't sharp enough such as HG or SD kits.

Here, I'll be using the HG 1/144 Blu Duel. As you can see, it's still really fat and doesn't look like a Gundam's V-Antenna at all. Let's make some modifications to this then!

So go ahead and take it off of the head of your Gunpla

Here's where we want to start trimming it down. Just take your Side Cutters and trim off some extra plastic like this.

You don't want to cut too much though, we might ruin it.

Our first objective here is to just remove the extra plastic that's common from HG V-Antennas.

After that, take your Metal File and sand away. Once again, remember to keep it to single long strokes.

We need to sand all the flat sides of the V-Antenna.

Once you're happy with how thin and how sharp your Gunpla's V-Antenna is, grab a coarse sand paper (I used 2000 grit here) and start to smooth your V-Antenna.
And when you're done, here's the result! I didn't sharpen the left side as a comparison to what this technique can do.

Looks alot better right? Thanks for reading this tutorial, stay tuned for the next one :)

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