Painting Eyes

Hello Gunpla Meisters! In this tutorial, I'll be teaching you how to paint your Gunpla's eyes/sensors!
Honestly, I hate foil sticker on my Gunpla's eyes so as much as possible I always avoid them. What can we do though if the eyes look dull? Well, we paint them of course!
Ok, so first we go ahead and remove the Gunpla's head.

As you can see here, his eyes are still transparent. It depends from Gunplas whether its eyes are simply transparent, if it's transparent with color already, or simply a flat color.

Go ahead and disassemble the head until you get the part of the eyes. The size of the eye piece also differ from Gunplas. My Epyon has smaller eyes compared to this Exia's eyes for example.
So what do we need?

Permanent Markers. PERMANENT, ok? You can't use highlighters, or white board markers or any of the erasable stuff or else you'll be wasting money just like a previously inexperienced me :P The markers you'll need depend on your Gunpla's eyes. If it's fully transparent, you'll need 2, the base color and black. Here, I'll be using green for the Exia. If it's colored, you'll only be needing black.
If your Gunpla's eyes are already colored, you can skip this step.

Take your marker and start coloring the whole front. It's fine, we'll fix that afterwards.
It should look something like this.

Now go ahead and take your black marker and paint around the eyes. Make sure you don't paint on the eyes itself.
It should now look like this.

Once the paint on the eyes are dry, go ahead and reassemble the head of your Gunpla. Now, the eyes look pretty awesome!
That's it for this tutorial! Thank you for reading, stay tuned for the next tutorial and Happy Building :D

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